You might consider a gentleman to be the one holding doors for the nation's female part, passing after them wherever a door is present,
Guess what it isn't about that at least to my eyes, that doesn't mean that i don't do the things mentioned above but to me being a gentleman is to take into consideration what the so called sweet part of humanity have, such as feelings beauty...
Yeah right, reality check in our society what we really need are gentlewomen for instance how many time a guy has been turned down by a woman, with her not feeling a single emotion toward the situation, now i know that i will most certainly get a lot of comments around this subject but common who do you think you're fooling;) got ya deciphered.
Anyways that's not what i'm pointing at,
Want to know what i really mean well you'd have to ask and considering that some of you asked i'm more than happy to let these letters out.
Now how can i say this without being too straight 
I know, since i'm an engineer let us use math to explain it.
What's x+y+z (With x being a media device of common interest , y sharing emotions, z the final statement )
The answer (drum role  please )<=========>bye bye no longer interested,but with regrets.Thus caring enough and understanding too much to let u go (Gentleman's notice).
Crack the code...............:-)
N.B :This note might or might not concern anyone;)
(Written in a happy joking mood  ) |